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December 10, 2016



I stopped at a BP station to fill up my car today and the cashier commented on my Cubs sweatshirt. We then had a 5 minute discussion about Fowler. He point out that when Heyward came to the Cubs, the Cardinal fans were so pissed and angry with him. But when it was announced that Fowler was going to the Cardinals, the Cubs fans overwhelmingly wished him well and said how fond of him they will always be. How's that for a difference in cultures?


I have a new neighbor. He's from Peoria, IL and he's a Cardinals fan. I played golf with him today and he was telling me how Dexter Fowler is going to dramatically improve the Cards and "put them in contention".

They liked our CF / Leadoff guy better than the one they had.

It got me thinking, in this era of stat-junkies, how about a new statistic? We'll call it the WWHH factor. WWHH stands for "Wish We Had Him". And a player's WWHH factor is the % of the other 29 teams that would trade their guy at a given position for our guy.

If 29 of 29 teams would trade their first baseman for Rizzo, his WWHH factor would be a perfect 100.0%. If only 6 of 29 teams would have traded their CF for the Cards now-displaced Randal Grichuk his WWHH factor would be 6/29 or 20.7%.

Just reading through your list of our likely 2017 position players has me convinced that the WWHH factor for our ENTIRE team probably averages north of 90%.

And taken as a whole, which team owners wouldn't trade their ENTIRE team, lock stock and barrel for the ENTIRE Cubs organization?

Could you imagine saying that with a straight face during the Sam Zell / Jim Hendry / Milton Bradley era not that long ago?

Just pinch me...

Cire Ddot Nekliw

Donna nailed it. Cub fans wish Dexter well. Except the 19 times we play the Cards. I feel like Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein. I WILL NOT BE ANGRY. I get it, more years more money and on a contender, but geez. Anyway, so Schwarber is our new leadoff guy. Discuss amongst yourselves....

Rich Beckman

Great observation!

Rich Beckman

I'm sad to see Dexter go, but we've always known he would.

I wish him a great career on a team that never quite wins the division (or the wildcard game).

Your retrospectives are always such great reminders of the tremendous body of work you compiled here.

The Chicago Cubs are the reigning World Series Champions.

Tim@Cubby Blue


Tim@Cubby Blue

It's a whole new world, Bud.
But as a personal favor to me, lets please not come up with anything new that has MATH!!!

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