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April 24, 2022


Rich Beckman

That's so cool you got to see that! What a romp!! All those great at bats and Hendricks was on top of his game!

A couple of games ago there was a high foul pop up down the first base line. Schwindel ran over by the tarp and the ball fell smack on the middle of the tarp. My immediate first thought: Rizzo would've caught that.

Still, this is an interesting bunch and the season is full of possibility! Thank God for baseball!

Tim@Cubby Blue

Hi Rich.
It was the BEST way to crawl out of my winter cave.
And yeah, we've been sort of blessed with amazing gloves over at 1st, and we'll see how Schwindel does. Rivas is supposed to be exceptional, too.
After the Pirates, it gets REALLY HARD. Braves, Brewers, White Sox and Dodgers.
If they can come close to .500 thru those, it'll be a miracle and you and me will be SO happy.

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