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March 03, 2017


Cire Ddot Nekliw

Been plugged into the Hawks, man they are playing well. Saw where Rizzo got scratched yesterday, took me awhile to settle down. He's prolly been playing too much golf. No worries, gonna start seeing more of the regulars, have had no less than 5 Cardinal fans tell me to go poopie in my World Series hat. Really hope we break it off in their red arses.


I just had dinner with TWO Cardinals fans sitting next to me. They ain't happy...and that's a good thing!

One of them was sitting with about 20 people in my home watching WS game 7 last November. He grudgingly rooted for the Cubs. But now he says "you guys can't win two in a row".

I told him "we may not win it all twice in a row, but we can sure finish ahead of his Cardinals again!

They'll need more than Dexter Fowler!

Tim@Cubby Blue

Lots of scenarios pop up as soon as you hear "Rizzo scratched..."
But I prefer to stick my fingers in my ears and go "LALALALALALALALALA"

Tim@Cubby Blue

Can't wait for Cubs/Cardinal again.
You can bet somebody with a red hat we never heard of will turn into a superstar.
But I think there are a number of Cubs that can happen to.
Last year with all great press and the WS predictions that seemed to me to be a year early... it's both wonderful and weird to feel real confidence for maybe the first time in my life.

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