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November 15, 2015


Rich Beckman

I did not see the Bears game, but from the score I would guess they did more than win, they played great.

I did see the Packers and they did not just lose, they played suckingly bad, at least until the last seven minutes or so if memory serves.

And it turns out that being beaten by Denver isn't as understandable as we thought it was when it happened.

I thought you were trying to wipe the grin from your face and failing because why the ef would you want to do that?!

Tim@Cubby Blue

I always feel bad doing an anti-Packer thing like that knowing you're gonna see it.
What is going on in Green Bay?
And for that matter, What is going on in Chicago?

Rich Beckman

Please do not ever feel bad about doing some anti-Packer thing. I never take any of that personally. Also, I am not above laughing when it is funny.

What is going on? You have not heard about the Ditka Curse?


Tim@Cubby Blue

Yeah, I've seen that.
It's fantastic.

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