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August 30, 2014



Sounds like a great trip Tim! Hope you're rewarded with at least 2 out of 3. I loved seeing the back of John Jay's shirt all night as raced to catch up to balls that he couldn't get. Reminds me of my '84 trip to STL in late Aug when we lost the Fri game 8-0 (but we weren't worried) Sat game was rained out, then we took the Sun DH 8-1 and 4-2 behind Eck & Trout. I always regret not driving right to Pit for the clincher. Really looking forward to more seasons like that. Wouldn't you love to see Alcantara, Baez, Castro, Rizzo, Soler, Russell, Bryant all in the same lineup? In Theo we trust - stay the course. Go Cubs.


Fabulous post. Poetry...

Tim@Cubby Blue

Wow Steve what a memory you have, and what a great memory to have!
Thanks for the fabulous note.

Tim@Cubby Blue

Hi Donna!
It was fun to do with the no quotes thing. I live for notes like this one.

Rich Beckman

Great post! That was a great game to see live! Gee, there was a lot of buzz in that place by the time Soler hit his second.

That first pic looks like a miniature scale model thing.

I wonder if the Cardinal fans could almost hear the distant drums...boom, boom, boom, boom, doom.

Tim@Cubby Blue

Rich, this game was about as cool a game as I've been to in years.
Just fantastic!

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  • is an art blog following the Chicago Cubs with cartoons, gifs, animations, and illustrations by me, Tim Souers. I began the illustrations in 2003 - you can find the links to the 2003 - 2006 seasons below. 2007 - present is in the regular archives. Feel free to contact me at CubbyDashBlue(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks for visiting, and go Cubs.

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