Well, first off I don't really take any joy in this whatsoever, this problem that baseball has.
Pretty much every cartoon or gif below was done when I was pissed off.
Whatever, here they are starting with the newest ones, but in no particular order...
Ryan Braun's connection to Tony Bosch...
Ryan Braun's urine sample.
It thought it was gonna be so famous and then... tossed out of court.
And of course Ryan Braun's expert lying techiques are inspiring.
Having a little fun with "cream" and "clear" and Barry Bonds.
Here are lying clowns Bartolo Colon and Melky Cabrera after they got caught...
Next - this is the home where Manny Ramirez retired to.
Go way back, remember Raffy Palmiero lying to the supreme court?
Here's star witness Kim Bell in court talking about the size of Barry Bonds' balls.
Remember that fabulous "60 Minutes" with good old Roger Clemens getting interviewed by a star struck puppet Mike Wallace?
And finally, the Dirty Martini makes some jokes at Roger's expense along with Jose Canseco.
That's alot of art, guys.
Anyway, I don't like Ryan Braun because he's a liar and a Brewer, but I respect his talent and honestly?
I hope he plays clean for the rest of his career and I can dislike him just because he's a Brewer.
EDIT: I was driving in this morning and one of the sports talk radio stations played Braun's denial again. The one where he said this: ""If I had done this intentionally, or unintentionally, I'd be the first one to step up and say 'I did it.' By no means am I perfect, but if I have ever made any mistakes in my life, I have taken responsibility for my actions...I truly believe in my heart, and would bet my life that this substance never entered my body at any point."
You know what?
Nevermind with my nice little ending above.
I must have been more sleep deprived than usual last night when I wrote that.