I'm traveling again, but this post is always appropriate when the Cubs play the Reds.
One night in 2008, then-Red Adam Dunn hit a homer at Wrigley. Some fans in the bleachers and some of the ballhawks played a joke, tossing a bunch of balls back onto the field from Waveland and Sheffield.
Marty Brennaman took exception (and in the end, the Cubs won 12-3)...
Also: to follow the Roger Clemens trial, follow Jim Baumbach!
Andy Pettitte is on the stand again today starting now, but just reading these tweets all in a row is so oddly interesting I can't really explain.
Better than if it was a video or something.
Hey Marty.
My prediction is that because of your windy and condescending comments (below) over a little harmless fun, there will be rainstorm of baseballs at Wrigley sometime while you're here.
If and when that happens, Marty, that's when it won't be a little harmless fun.
That's when it'll be obnoxious, Marty, and you can thank yourself for it.
When I first heard about your rant (reacting to people throwing baseballs on the field), I thought "big deal".
Then, I heard the real thing replayed on the radio and changed my mind.
I don't like your tone, Marty.
The fact that you lack a chin and vaguely resemble something drawn by Dr. Suess that only eats cookies doesn't help, either.
Anyway, welcome to Chicago.
I got the transcript from FANHOUSE:
TRANSCRIPT: "This is what makes you want to see this Chicago Cubs team lose. Among all baseball fans -- I can't attest to the Yankees and Red Sox because we don't see them with any degree of regularity unless it's interleague play -- but far and away the most obnoxious fans in baseball in this league are those who follow this team right here. Throwing 15 or 18 balls on the field, there's absolutely no excuse for that and that is so typical of Chicago Cub fans. It's unbelievable."
"Throwing the ball back, that's great, that's a Chicago Cub tradition that other teams have picked up on, and that's fine."
"It's ridiculous, it really is ... You simply root against them. I've said all winter, people talk about this team winning the division, and my comment is they won't win it because at the end of the day, they're still the Chicago Cubs and they will figure out a way to screw this whole thing up.
Brantley: "And then they'll have no one to boo but themselves.
Brennaman: "Well, they never blame themselves."
Brantley: "They'll blame that old billy goat."
Brennaman: "Yep."
(The illustration above is of course inspired by that famous bird-flippin' SI cover of the Miami Dolphin's Jim Kiick and Larry Csonka.)