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March 13, 2012


Rich Beckman

Marmol is what he is. Sounds like that will remain true in 2012.

Fantastic pic! How long did you have that office before you were able to get any work done? It would be at least a month for me I am sure (which is why I would never get that office in the first place....)

Tim@Cubby Blue

Hi Rich,
Im with you.
He is what he is.
The office does have a nice view, but most of the time Im lookin the other way at the same thing Im lookin at now.


Like all public schools, our students take part in high-stakes assessments. We had exceptional scores last year, but our principal said, "I don't get all upset or worried if our scores are a little lower than expected, so I'm not going to get all giddy when they are higher than expected." I think this is a good analogy for spring training. I'm not going to get all giddy because Soriano is hitting the cover off the ball, and I'm not going to start pacing the room because Marmol can't find the plate. I'll save that angst for later...

Man, this weather is really teasing us for baseball, but I stayed up for an amazing shoot out win by the Hawks last night!

Tim@Cubby Blue

So happy for Crawford.
Fabulous analogy, and we heard this from Theo at the convention: the weather and air aint fair in Arizona. Pitchers cant control their movement, and hitters can hit like crazy.

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