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January 28, 2011



And we can dig it.

(You were fishing for a Shaft-related response, weren't you?)


I've always been intrigued (and confused) by the truisms of MLB. Not the least of these truisms is the solemn importance of batting order position. And not the least of BOP is the "leadoff role". But how many teams have a true prototype leadoff guy? Not many. So why annoint one anyway?

I'm with Quade on this..."mix and match"

We don't have a Lou Brock (we used to) or Ricky Henderson or Ichiro. If we did we wouldn't be talking about this.

All we need is a patient, discerning contact hitter with a great OBP and the ability to steal a base, take an extra base, keep out of the DP and, as a result, score a lot of runs.

That's a rare bird, folks!

If your OBP guy also has too much power, he's gonna be hitting 3rd or 4th (see Pujols, et al). If he's not a patient, contact hitter, he's in the middle of the order (see Soriano, et al). Not a smart baserunner and the guys behind him are gonna hit into a lot of GIDP's (think Theriot and Lee).

You could go on and on.

Here's the bottom line for me (and Quade). While you may not have one prototypical, obvious leadoff guy on your roster, you have guys who are "hot" this week, or this month or against this pitcher. You have guys who are injured. You have guys who get cold after a month or two (e.g. you have Fukudomes)

In other words, you have situations and you have players for situations. And that's why you have managers.


Hey! That looks like the three-headed ogre from Monty Python and the Holy Grail!

I'd actually like to see Fukudome leading off against righties and either Castro or Baker leading off against lefties. But, I expect the Cubs will NOT take advantage of their platoon splits and instead do something crazy like bat DeWitt leadoff.


I hope the three-headed Cerberus will be under good reigns of Quade, for as hopeless as 20 and 10 might look on paper, a Cubbie win is still a Muses in my ears.

Field some real team, can't THEY? Go Cubbie!

Tim@Cubby Blue

Yesterday, I experienced a nearly 6 hour plane delay in the Miami airport that included 3 planes with "mechanical issues", a knife, checked luggage, 9/11, American idiocy, and a warlock.
It began at noon in Miami and ended about 11:30 in Chicago.
So, I'm not exactly clear headed.
And your photo and comment completely buffaloed me.
But I guess to answer your question: HELL YES!
I'm always fishing for SOME kind of Shaft thing.

Tim@Cubby Blue

So you think the leadoff guy should be Geo?
Just kidding.
It was fun looking back at some of those names, tho, trying to find a Henderson or something in there.

Tim@Cubby Blue

I swear you'll be right and it'll be DeWitt.
Because... well if it's not Ryno it just SEEMS like it's always the second baseman.
Don't forget Aaron Miles is still out there!

Tim@Cubby Blue

Mike Quade is one of the reasons I'm looking forward to 2011.
I'm hoping the team adopts his sort of real, basic personality.
And hopefully he makes some good decisions and the team finds some luck.
I guess I'll keep this 3 headed guy around, btw.


do NOT even joke about getting Miles!!

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