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November 20, 2010



Losing Rothschild is a serious blow: The guys at Another Cubs Blog have done excellent work over the last year examining Rothschild's effect on our pitchers. In short, he typically increases Ks, decreases BBs, while holding HRs constant. That's a recipe for general success.

I can't blame Larry either. Who wouldn't want to work at a ring factory like New York? Also, there's a chance that his departure may have been precipitated by the presence of Greg Maddux. There are suspicions Mad Dog may want to wear a uni again (as a coach, that is).

Tim@Cubby Blue

Hey Stats,
Well I sure didnt see this coming.
If you read around, hes a seriously respected pitching coach (except in some of the commenters in NY).
I always hear Maddux wants a job further away from the field.

But if he become a pitching coach, that would be amazing.

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