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April 12, 2009



Reed's catch was SICK! SICK! SICK! SICK!

I screamed myself hoarse.

OH MAN. I am so looking forward to that being replayed again and again.


I completely agree, and did the same thing... Jumped out of my seat and knocked over the piano bench, making my mother scream 'til she was hoarse.

I await our amazing Cubby-Blue rendition of the catch, by the way.

Go Cubs :D


What a crazy game. The first pitch homer, the 4 bases loaded walks, the catch by Reed (who was only in the game by serendipity!), Carlos Marmol smokin' hot, Kosuke's blunder, and Kevin Gregg flirting with disaster. How did anyone get to sleep after that one?!

I feel stupid that I gave away my tickets for today's game. I did conjure up an activity for my last math class. We are going to watch the game and keep track of pitch speed then figure range, median, mean and mode. How's that for working the system? Please let the weather cooperate!

Have fun Tim and Sarah and everyone else!

Tim@Cubby Blue

Happy Morning, Guys.
DB - the replays are on right now.
Justin, don't break the furniture.
Donna - I can tell you're one of those teachers your kids will remember after they've grown.
Brilliant math lesson, and I'm sure the kids will be actually interested!

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  • is an art blog following the Chicago Cubs with cartoons, gifs, animations, and illustrations by me, Tim Souers. I began the illustrations in 2003 - you can find the links to the 2003 - 2006 seasons below. 2007 - present is in the regular archives. Feel free to contact me at CubbyDashBlue(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks for visiting, and go Cubs.

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