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November 25, 2007



HA! There are two teams in professional sports to whom I've given the title of "The Great Evil". In MLB, The Great Evil is a team from St Louis...but I can't bring myself to even write their name.

The other team I call The Great Evil is an NFL team, whom you have highlighted here. They are the most villainous pack of nere-do-wells I can think of. Someday Belicheat will get his.
(Here's where I have to admit that I moved to Fla from Indianapolis...so you can figure where my loyalties lay.)
Though, please don't hold it against me, because in the NFC, the Bears have always been my team. Last year was the most conflicted Superbowl I've ever had to witness. I was like Homer Simpson: "Woo hoo....DOH!"


Hi Rob.
Man, this post got some people all worked up at Fan Nation.
Lotta passion surrounding this subject.
I just think Belichick's gonna have some hell to pay down the road...
I cannot imagine what you did with yourself during last year's bowl broadcast.
That had to be confusing...

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